Roasted Mediterranean Salmon

This 15-minute Mediterranean salmon recipe features flaky, tender salmon topped with a juicy summer tomato topper. Prepared baked in the oven for a healthy, delicious and gorgeous meal elegant enough to serve at any dinner party!
2 Salmon Filet, Skinless approximately 2" pieces
1 Tsp Salt Sisters Charmane's seasoning
2 Tbsp Glasses & Grapes House Blend EVOO
Tomato Salad Topping :
2 cups cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp shallot finely chopped
1 Tbsp Salt Sisters Charmane's Seasoning
1/4 cup G&G House Blend EVOO
3 Tbsp G&G Aceti Red Wine Vinegar
2 Tbsp S&R Mediterranean Olive Bruschetta
Sea salt and pepper to taste
Line a baking tray with parchment paper, place salmon filets, drizzle with Glasses & Grapes EVOO and sprinkle with Charmane's seasoning. Roast at 400 F for 15-17 minutes or until salmon renders temperature of 135 F.
To prepare tomato salad topping, mix all ingredients and toss well.
When ready to serve, spoon tomato salad on top of roasted salmon and enjoy!